Statement of denunciation and condemnation

Statement of denunciation and condemnation
The Union of East Turkestan Scholars expresses its deep regret and shock over the stances of some Pakistani Islamic leaders in support of the Chinese communist regime at the expense of their Muslim brothers in Turkestan.
The Union condemns these outrageous statements that provoke the feelings of Muslims.
During the Chinese Communist Party's celebration marking the centenary (100 year birthday) of its founding, we were surprised by the participation of Maulana Fazlur Rahman, representative of the Jamiatul Ulama Islam, and Siraj Al-Haq, the Emir of the Jamate Islami Pakistan, in the CCP Centennial Conference via the Internet,
They praised China and the Communist Party on the pretext of its contribution to global development, and even claimed that China is the champion of the oppressed in the world. They completely ignored the tragedy of the Muslims of East Turkestan near the borders of Pakistan, being committed by the Communist Chinese authorities; genocide and crimes against humanity, from the arrest of more than 5 million Muslims, to demolishing mosques and preventing basic Islamic rituals. Many countries have already denounced these crimes.
These disgraceful and biased statements for the stances of the Chinese regime at the expense of their Muslim brothers without doubt is a violation of the following Islamic ideals:
1. It is a violation of the ideal of the unity of the ummah as per the saying of Allah ta'alaa:{Truly this, your Ummah, is one Ummah and I am your lord so worship} (Anbiya:92)
2. It violates the idea of Islamic brotherhood as the Allah ta'alaa says:{The believers are but one single brotherhood} (Hujarat:10)
3. It is kneeling to the oppressor and that is forbidden by the almighty in his ta'alaa saying: {And do not incline towards those who oppress, the fire might touch you!} (Hūd:113)
4. It is bearing false witness (perjury) (for the oppressor) and this is forbidden by the prophet's (ص) saying: { Kaba'ir sins are.. ( not give false testimony } (hadeeth sahih mutaffaq alayhi)
5 - It is taking the enemy of Islam as a close friend (over thier brothers) and this is forbidden in the verse: { oh you who believe, do not take my enemy and your enemy as allies inclining to/meeting them with affection while they openly reject (Islam) the truth that has come to you } (Mumtahana:1)
If the Ulama (of Pakistan) do not apply these lofty Islamic ideals in their political statements and stances, then who else will apply them?!!
Hence, the East Turkestan Ulama Union demands that they retract these disgraceful and irresponsible statements and return to the side of what is correct.
We remind everyone of the hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: { Whoever helps an unjust by refuting his falsehood with truth is free from blame and under the protection of Allah and his messenger } (Sahih -Al Hakim)
This is by Allah, true success and repayment (protection from him for standing for truth).
East Turkestan Scholars Union